The Fancy Shapes

In order to select the diamond to purchase, we all should have the knowledge of what are the different diamond shapes or cut which a buyer can purchase?

Any shape of a gemstone apart from the round shape can be termed as a fancy shape. Example: Princess cut, Emerald cut, Pear, etc. There are different kinds of features for each shape, and which diamond shapes can be taken for making or selecting a diamond ring for your loved ones.

Diamond shapes or cuts

1. Round shape or cut

This is considered as a classic or regular diamond shape for a diamond jewelry like engagement rings. Round Brilliant is the name given to a diamond that is cut in such a way that light returns in such a way that makes the sparkle maximized and light travelling from all the facets.

2. Princess shape or cut

Princess shape or cut are square or rectangular brilliant cuts that display exceptional brilliance when cut to certain proportions. Princess shape are a great choice for person or individuals who appreciate the qualities of round brilliants, but like a square or rectangular shape.

3. Cushion shape or cut

Cushion shape or cut are square or rectangular cuts with rounded corners and curved sides, a pillow like shape. There are several types of cushion cut on the market including modern, antique, and many branded cushions. Cushion cuts can be found with a wide variety of facet patterns that are known as “Cushion Brilliant” or “Modified Cushion Brilliant” on the laboratory reports.


4. Oval shape or cut

An oval cut or shape is an elliptical brilliant cut. This offers a refreshing or novelty for any person who want to buck the usual trends. One of the biggest advantages of the oval cut is it faces up larger than other diamonds with similar carat sizes, in short which makes it look bigger than the round shape diamond of the same carat size. Well, oval cut diamonds are quite good at hiding flaws and shade or color due to its brilliant faceting pattern. This shape cannot be judged solely by the numbers. Its best to see the stones in person.

5. Marquise shape or cut

The Marquise cut is a boat shaped brilliant cut with the pointed ends. They are also called as “Navette” a Latin word meaning boat. With its long and slender shape, it has a exceptional appeal that is well-received by people looking or into the fashion industry. One disadvantage I think is, this shape can have a bowtie which cannot be seen by naked eyes, so the person should purchase it from the person who have the proper knowledge of the diamonds.

6. Pear shape or cut

Pear shape or cut is the combinations of both the modern round brilliant cut and the marquise cut. As the pear shape are round from one side and tapering point on the other. Pears can elongate the finger when set in a ring. These shapes look pretty good when put or used in pendants and earrings. But there is negative point with pear is some pear contain the bow tie which affects its appearance in some negative way, as you can see in the picture below it will show some dark looking part like a bow tie in the pear which makes it look a bit dark than the other one. So, I’m suggesting purchasing it from your known source or from the person who possess some knowledge about diamonds.

7. Heart shape or cut


The Heart shape or cut is a symbol of love for many. The heart is a brilliant cut with the curved lobes that stem from a centered cleft. The lobes slope down to form a point. The preferred length to width ratio for hearts is 1:1. As, Heart shape or cut are amongst the rarest and most difficult shape to cut, so they tend to be more expensive than the other fancy shapes in the market.

8. Emerald shape or cut

The Emerald cut is a step with angled corners and rows of pavilion and crown facets that run parallel to the girdle. The traditional Emerald cut is rectangular in shape. This shape or cut is also known for their understated elegance. Special Characteristics of Emerald shapes or cut is that it is easier to see the inclusions in these shapes.

9. Asscher shape or cut

It is basically a square emerald cut is a step cut with angled corners and rows of pavilion and crown facets that run parallel to the girdle. Generally, in the market it is known as square emerald cut. Optimal length to width ratio for square Emerald cuts is 0.95 to 1.05.

So, these were some short description for the different types of the shapes or cut of the diamond with the images for the better understanding ( which are taken from the google images). These are the most important types which are asked by the diamond lovers. So, the person who wants to buy can get atleast some basic knowledge of what he or she should buying, that is my simple agenda for writing this blog.

Anyone who wants to read about the Fancy Diamond colors which are rarest in the nature, can read here

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Click here for Comments
April 7, 2020 at 11:54 AM ×

Very informative & enlightening, did not know that diamond are available in so many shapes!

June 12, 2020 at 1:43 PM ×

Thank you. There will be more informative blogs very soon in a very descriptive and simple language, easy to understand.


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